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De buurlanden
van Ghana


Naam project
Liberiaans vluchtelingenkamp Buduburam, Ghana.

Korte beschrijving van het project
In dit Liberiaanse vluchtelingenkamp (sedert oktober 1990) verblijven op dit moment ca. 40.000 vluchtelingen uit Liberia. Sinds december 1989 is de situatie in Liberia instabiel.

Doel van het project
In het vluchtelingenkamp zijn diverse SMA (deel)projecten.
Er worden o.a. technische en beroeps-specifieke cursussen gegeven die gericht zijn op terugkeer naar Liberia: SMA Technical & Vocational Training Center Daybreak Compound.
Er is tevens een leercentrum voor doven.

Huidige stand van zaken
De situatie in Liberia schijnt stabieler te worden. Tijdens ons bezoek aan het vluchtelingenkamp werd vernomen dat er reeds vluchtelingen waren teruggekeerd naar hun land van herkomst.

Behoeften van het project
Geldelijke middelen voor medicatie en onderwijs.
Vluchtelingen kampen vaak ook met psychische problemen, zodat geestelijke gezondheidszorg een specifiek aandachtsveld is bij deze doelgroep.

Contactadressen van het project
SMA Technical & Vocational Training Center
Liesbeth Glas (SMA)
Daybreak Compound
Buduburam Settlement
Gomoa District, Buduburam

Postal Address: J & J Learning Center for the deaf
(Steve SMA)
Buduburam Refugee Camp
P.O. Box KN 3454
Accra, Ghana,
Office: Buduburam Refugee Camp
Buduburam, Gomoa District
Central Region, Ghana
Telephone: (233) 244 090262
Executive Director: Mr. Jackson N. Willie

Indien u een donatie wilt geven ten behoeve van dit project, dan kunt u een bedrag over maken op de rekening van de Bresillac Foundation, ABN AMRO rekeningnummer te Arnhem, zulks onder vermelding van credit nr. 600591.

SMA Technical & Vocational Training Center
Daybreak Compound
Buduburam Settlement
Gomoa District Buduburam

Information for 2004-2005 School Year

August-October 29, 2004
(Late Registration November 1-12, 2004)

Commencement of classes
November, 1 2004

Certificate (6 Months)

Tuition: 400.000 Cedis
Registration: 20.000 Cedis
T-shirt: 25.000 Cedis
ID Card: 12.000 Cedis
Project: 30.000 Cedis
Administration: 8.000 Cedis
Sports: 5.000 Cedis
Total : 500.000 Cedis (About 50 Euro)

Courses: Agriculture, Architectural Drafting, Auto Mechanics, Carpentry, Electricity, Electronics, Masonry, Plumbing, Tailoring and Soap Science.
Note: Tailoring runs for 12 months (6 months beginners, 6 months advance).

Important: 60% of fees must be paid before sitting in class. The balance (40%) must be paid at the beginning of the second term.

All graduating students shall pay certificate fees before graduation.

All fees paid are non-refundable.

Note: This information is a revise of the one published on July 27, 2004. We have reduced our training months from 9 months to 6 months. This has not affected our total credit of 720 hours. Previously, our courses ran 4 hours per day, 5 days per week, for nine months. Now we are running 6 hours a day, 5 days per week, for six months.
Both situations amount to 720 credit hours. We have resolved to overhaul our curriculum and run an intensive accelerated program for six months.

Computer Science

  Software(4 months) Hardware (4 months)
Registration: 20.000 Cedis 20.000 Cedis
Tuition: 500.000 Cedis 600.000 Cedis
ID Card: 15.000 Cedis 15.000 Cedis
Project: 30.000 Cedis 30.000 Cedis
Sports: 5.000 Cedis 5.000 Cedis
Total: 570.000 Cedis 670.000 Cedis

Note: 50% of tuition must be paid before sitting in class. Pamphlets are available at reasonable costs.
All fees paid are non-refundable.

Typing (3 months)
Registration: 10.000 Cedis
Tuition: 30.000 Cedis per month (90.000 Cedis for 3 months)
Ribbon: 15.000 Cedis

Note: All fees are paid at the beginning of the month.

J & J Learning Center for the Deaf
Buduburam Refugee Camp
P.O. Box KN 3454
Accra, Ghana, West-Africa

What is the JJ Center?
The institution is a self-initiative of volunteer refugees set up for the hearing impaired and physically disabled refugee children.

Our vision is to integrate the deaf/mute and physically disabled of West-Africa into global society and to create a means by which they would be self-reliant and participate in community development services. The head office of this organization shall be located in the Central Liberia with boarding schools in strategic countries and other neighbouring countries.

To make the disabled efficient sufficient self-reliant in our hearing community, the objective of the institution includes the following:
- To provide medical care and social services;
- To provide formal education and skill trainings;
- To provide relief assistance and coordinate relevant projects that would attract source of funding;
- To undertake programs that are inline with and/or conduce to the attainment of any or all of the above objectives.

Having observed over a period of time that the deaf refugee community was non-beneficiary of the Refugee School systems, two friends (Jackson N. Willie and Benjamin S. Jlay) got into the action, which led to the formation of the J & J Learning Center for the Deaf (JJ Center) without any source of financial push.

October 17, 2001 marks the birth of the JJ Center. It is a non-profit and non-government organization (NGO).

- A 7-room building erected for the organization;
- Enrolment has increased from 4 to 26;
- Hearing-aid devices provided for 14 of the students;
- 75% of the students received medical examination/Treatment at an Audio logical Clinic in Winneba, Ghana;
- Deaf students who were not literate can now read and write according to their levels;
- Volunteer-workers have increased from 4 to 26.

J & J Learning Center for the Deaf is a non-profitable organization and legally registered with the Ghana Registered Department with code number: G.11 399. It is also registered with the Camp Authority. It embraces all indigenous, foreign missionaries and social workers that are in support of its objectives/goals.

Who is behind the JJ Center?
The JJ Center is guided by a seven number board of Directors and a strong Parents-Teachers-Association (PTA).

Source of funding
The Deaf Center relies on national and international organizations as well as the general public for funding through grants and donations.

- Medical Care;
- Skill and Academic Education;
- HIV/AIDS Education;
- Counselling;
- Relief Assistance.

JJ Center Partners in Progress
- The Society of Missionary in Africa (SMA);
- Viattal International;
- Liliane Fund Foundation.

For further detail or information on how best you can be a help to these less-fortunate children achieve a desirable goal by the use of your funds or in kind of materials, please contact us.
We want to motive you if you want to plant for a decade, plant trees, but if you want to plant for life, then plant education - our chief keen goal of protecting the future of these children.