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De buurlanden
van Ghana


Northern Friends for Development (NFD)

Northern Friends for Development (NFD) is een NGO en een non-profit organisatie en is gesitueerd in Tamale, in noord-Ghana.
Het noorden van Ghana is het armste gedeelte van het land: Een kleine 70% van de bevolking beschikt over een inkomen van nog geen 70 euro op jaarbasis!
Het project is sinds september 2005 operationeel. Wij zijn gestart in september 2006.
Het is een kleinschalig project met als doelgroep de Kayayoo-girls, straatmeiden, weeskinderen, analfabeten, moslimmeisjes. Deze jonge meiden tussen de 10 en 20 jaar hebben vaak in hun eigen regio geen perspectief en trekken dus naar de grote steden zoals Kumasi en de hoofdstad Accra in het zuiden.
De werkzaamheden van de meiden daar bestaan uit het dragen van bagage op hun hoofd (head-portage);
Kaya betekent luggage/baggage in de Haussa-taal.
Het 'grote geluk' echter wordt niet gevonden en vaak komen de meiden in contact met voornamelijk mannen met verkeerde bedoelingen.
Van kwaad komt erger en de neerwaartse spiraal is ingezet: criminaliteit, prostitutie, ongewenste zwangerschappen enz.
NFD wil de meiden dus perspectief bieden in hun eigen omgeving en daarmee de trek naar het zuiden voorkomen.

NFD heeft daarom het volgende traject opgezet:

Fase 1: Educatiefase van 1 jaar.
's Ochtends 'practical skills', zoals weven, hairdressing en batik tie & dye;
's middags Engels, rekenen, gezondheidsvoorlichting en Frans.
Er zitten 14 meiden in de educatiefase.

Fase 2: Stageperiode van 8 maanden.
We hebben 5 meiden op attachment sewing en 4 meiden op attachment weaving.
Er zijn dus 9 meiden op stage.

Fase 3: Startersfase.
NFD geeft nog 6 maanden begeleiding bij het starten van een eigen klein bedrijfje, middels micro-kredieten.
Fase 3 is aktueel in mei 2007, als de stage is afgerond.

Northern Friends for Development (NFD)

Northern Friends for Development (NFD) is a NGO and a non-profit organisation, operating in Tamale in the northern region of Ghana. The project is operational since September 2005.
The goal is to improve the life standard of Kayayoo-girls, streetgirls, orphans, illiterates and to decrease rural-urban migration.

The process of the project:
Step 1: 1 year education:
In the morning practical skills, like weaving, hairdressing, batik tie & dye; in the afternoon English, maths, environmental studies/health education and French.
There are 14 girls in step 1 (education). (1 December 2006).

Step 2: 8 months attachment:
We have 5 girls on attachment sewing and 4 girls on attachment weaving.
So there are 9 girls in step 2 (attachment).

Step 3 is to help them to start their own small business, by micro-finance.
Step 3 will be operational when the attachments are finished.

Kayayoo Girls Northern Friends for Development (NFD)

Het project is nog niet operationeel (mei 2005). Tijdens het opstarten van het project dient er veel te gebeuren voor wat betreft de implementatie.
Het bijgevoegde business plan geeft een globale, algemene beschrijving van het project; gedurende de komende maanden moeten de nodige zaken meer specifiek uitgewerkt worden.
Deze specifieke uitwerking zal erg belangrijk zijn om donoren en/of sponsoren te vinden.
Vrijwilligers zullen een rol hebben in de uitwerking van de plannen. Maar los hiervan zullen de vrijwilligers veel werk hebben met het begeleiden van de dagelijkse activiteiten.
Alle activiteiten zullen worden verricht in samenwerking met Hawalatu. (Direkteur project).

Er dienen drie plannen te worden geschreven, zodat deze bijgevoegd kunnen worden bij het business plan:
a) Educatieplan, dat bestaat uit 3 onderdelen (korte termijn):
- Algemene basiseducatie (Engels, Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen). (?)
- Vaardigheidstrainingen.
- Specifiek onderwijs (Ontwikkeling van zelfstandige activiteiten, vaardigheden met betrekking tot 'Life planning').
b) Bedrijfsplan (korte termijn).
c) Preventieplan (lange termijn).

a) Educatieplan
Voor alle onderdelen geldt dat antwoord dient te worden gegeven op de volgende vragen:
- Wat dient er te worden geleerd?
- Welk eindniveau moet worden behaald?
- Binnen welke tijd?
- Hoeveel uren zijn er nodig voor elk lestype?
- Op welke wijze worden de doelstellingen behaald?
- Welke materialen zijn nodig?
- Wie wordt de docent?
- Op welke wijze en wanner zal het plan geëvalueerd worden?

b) Bedrijfsplan
Het bedrijfsplan dient antwoord te geven op de volgende vragen:
- Welk product moet er gefabriceerd worden (gebaseerd op vraag en aanbod)?
- Wie is de doelgroep? / Wie zijn de klanten?
- Op welke wijze wordt er geproduceerd (serie-productie, incidenteel, op verzoek)?
- Hoe wordt de prijs vastgesteld?
- Hoe worden sponsoren verkregen voor het project (financieel en materieel)?
- Op welke manier worden de 'geslaagden' ondersteund?
- Welke begeleiding krijgen ze en voor hoe lang?
- Hoe en wanneer zal het plan worden geëvalueerd?

c) Preventieplan
Het preventieplan dient voor de lange termijn te worden gemaakt.
Een heleboel belangrijke informatie kan worden verkregen van de meiden van het project.
Wie kan beter antwoord geven op de vragen: 'Wat is de reden om een Kayayoo Girl te worden en welke consequenties heeft deze keuze?'

Verder dient het plan ook nog te bevatten:
- Welke informatie dient aan wie en op welke wijze te worden gegeven?
- Welke alternatieven zijn er voor economische onafhankelijkheid gelet op de plaatselijke omstandigheden?
- Wat is er nodig om te zorgen dat de alternatieven inderdaad leiden tot economische onafhankelijkheid?

Dagelijkse activiteiten
Nadat het project is opgestart, kunnen de volgende activiteiten nodig zijn:
- Secretariaatswerkzaamheden (werken met de computer, boekhouding, structureren van de administratie, zorgen voor de financiële administratie etc.).
- Engels en wiskunde geven.
- Donoren en sponsoren zoeken.
- Lesgeven in kleding maken.
- Verbindingen leggen tussen NFD en Board of Directors (rapportage).
- Observatie, motivatie, voortgangsoverleg met de Kayayoo Girls.
- Contacten met andere organisaties (met de directeur).
- Vakgerichte opleidingen op het gebied van onderwijs, didactiek en commerciële vaardigheden.


Kayayoo Girls Northern Friends for Development (NFD)

Organizations: Northern Friends for Development (NFD) (NGO).
Project: Kayayoo Girls.
Director: Hawalatu Inusah
Location: Kumbumgu Road, area Filling Point, Tamale.

The project is not yet operational. During the start up period there is a lot to do in preparing for the implementation. The enclosed business plan describes what the project is about but to specify it, there are several things that need to be worked out in the coming months. This will be very important for find donors and/or sponsors.
The task would be rewarding for volunteers. Besides that, there will be a lot to do for (a) volunteer(s) in supporting the daily activities. All activities will be done in cooperation with Hawalatu.

Three types of plans need to be written so they can be added to the business plan:
a) Education Plan, consisting of 3 studies (short term):
- General Basic Education (English, Mathematics and Science).
- Skill training.
- Specific Education (Enterprise Development, Life Planning skills).
b) Commercial Plan (short term).
c) Prevention Plan (long term).

a) Education Plan
For all studies the content of the plan should answer the following questions:
- What is there to be learned?
- Up to which level?
- Within how much time?
- How many hours is needed for each type of lesson?
- What will be the approach to achieve the goals?
- What materials are needed?
- Who will be the teacher?
- How and when will the plan be evaluated?

b) Commercial Plan
It should answer the following questions:
- What is there to be made (based on demand and supply)?
- Who will be the target group/customers?
- How will there be produced (in series, for free as a lesson, on demand)?
- How will the prices be set?
- How to get sponsoring for the project (financial and material)?
- In what way will the 'graduate's' be supported?
- What guidance will they get and for how long?
- How and when will the plan be evaluated?

c) Prevention Plan
The Prevention Plan is something to be made on the long term.
A lot of important information can be received from the girls in the project. Who else can better answer the questions: What is the reason to become a Kayayoo girl and what are the consequences of this choice?
The plan should among others also contain:
- Which information should be given to whom and in what way?
- Which alternatives are there for economical independence, based on the environmental situation?
- What is needed so that the alternatives can indeed lead to economical independence?

Daily activities
After the start up, the activities can be:
- Secretarial (works on the computer, record keeping, structuring the administration, taking care of the financial administration etc.).
- Teaching English and math.
- Looking for donors and/or sponsors.
- Teaching skills like dressmaking.
- Liaison between NFD and Board of Directors (report).
- Observation, motivation, have progress meetings with Kayayoo girls.
- Contact other organizations (with the director).

Project Description March 2007

1.0 Introduction

Despite the efforts being made by both governmental and non-governmental organisations to address streetism of Northern youth girls, much is still needed in strategizing new approaches in the implementation of projects to address rural-urban migration.

  Considering the success and achievement of other stakeholders and organisations in their struggle to curb the impact of streetism and giving particular attention to the challenges and constrains that the girls in question face, Northern Friends for Development (NFD) has carefully planned its intervention after conducting group discussions with various stakeholders, groups, chiefs, households and street children (the targeted beneficiaries).


2.0 Goal         

Northern Friends For Development is proud to be in its 3rd year of operation. Currently, as an organization we have switched our mandate from focusing on getting girls back from Accra and Kumasi, to rather the implementation of a comprehensive prevention program. We feel that this is the most effective way to tackle streetism from its root and educate the women and their families from the communities in Tamale.

Namely, the goal is to decrease rural-urban migration by educating and informing people in the rural communities and giving them alternatives to become economically independent.


3.0 Objectives

To realize the above goal the following specific objectives are to be achieved:

  1. Ensuring that trainees are given a good education and sufficient skills training within the constraint of limited resources so that therefore they can become self-sufficient.
  2. Helping the girls after they finish the course through guidance and financial assistance.
  3. Creating awareness about the risk of rural-urban migration.  Ie: the search for menial jobs by girls in the cities.
  4. To encourage and support families to maintain full responsibility of their children through education, dialogue and regular counseling.
  5. Finding alternatives for economic independence. This will depend on the rural environment (e.g. batik and tie and die, sewing, weaving, hair-dressing, etc.)

4.0 Project Personnel

            Project Manageress: Hawalatu Inusah

            Teacher: Paul Laari

            Two Year Volunteers: Ben Staarink and Desiree Pleumeekers

5.0 Project Beneficiaries 

There will be two groups of beneficiaries.  The first group of beneficiaries of this project shall be the girls currently enrolled in our prevention program. They are in two groups: the first is finished attending classes, and are now working in attachment in the various skill trades. The members of the second group are in the first phase of the program and they attend classes daily.  It is important to note that the family members of the girls from the various communities are also considered to be beneficiaries of N.F.D. as they also benefit from the free education that their daughters/sisters etc are receiving at our place, and will in the future benefit from the income that the girls will receive. 


6.0 Facility

Currently we are operating out of a facility located in Tamale at Kumbungu Road in the area Filling Point.  The physical building consists of:

-         An Office

-         A teaching room for education purposes

-         A compound for skill training

-         A store to sell the products


6.1 The Store

NFD will sell the practical products of trainees to acquire some substantial amount in order to plough back investment into course training.  Ideally, a percentage of this amount (according to the commercial plan) will be reserved to finance business start-up after course completion.


7.0 Education

The entire educational process of Northern Friends for Development takes two years and two months.

 It can be broken up into the following phases:

 -Year One: Skill Training and Complementary Studies. This can be further broken down into two levels: High level (the girls who have finished a primary school education and some Junior Secondary School education in specific cases) and low level (those girls who have no background in formal education whatsoever.)

 -Eight Months: Attachment in specific skill trade

  -Six Months: Business Operation from container funded by micro-finance

 (Girls who prove themselves able to manage their own business after the six month period will receive a stretcher and will leave the N.F.D. program. Any girl requiring further guidance and assistance will remain in the container for as long as deemed necessary.)


7.1 Skill Training

The girls that are receiving the skills training are in the first phase of the program, and will be in this phase for one year. Skill training is intended to transmit skills, attitudes, values and knowledge to the girls so that they can become self sufficient by securing sustainable livelihood. The training occurs every morning, and currently we have two teachers in the weaving and hair dressing departments. Hawalatu, the project manageress, is the teacher of Batik tie and dye.  Skill training teachers are paid monthly at a rate of 250 thousand cedis.


The Vocational courses that we offer are:

-         Batik and Tie and Dye

-         Weaving

-         Hair Dressing


Each girl will be offered the opportunity to choose her vocational course upon entering N.F.D.  They will additionally receive complementary studies for this yearly period.


7.2 Complementary Studies

The girls in year one of the program are also receiving complementary studies in the afternoons. The studies are as follows:

            -English- four afternoons a week

            -Math- four afternoons a week

            -Health Education- Friday afternoons

            -Computer Education- for high-level students only, twice per week in the afternoons for a three- month period.


The teacher for the low-level students is Paul, as he is able to communicate to the girls in Dagbani. Northern Friends for Development accepts foreign volunteers, mostly from the Dutch organization Norghavo, to teach the various subjects in high-level.


7.3 Attachment

After completion of the yearlong skill training and complementary studies program, the girls will go out on attachment for eight months to learn the specifics of their trade in the field.

Currently we have nine girls out on attachment, five in sewing and four in weaving. Their masters are paid for each girl they accept at a rate of 200 thousand cedis per girl. The girls remain with them Monday through Saturday for the entirety of the working day.


7.4 Business by Micro-Finance

After completion of the attachment period the girls will graduate with a ceremony. They will then be set up in a container under the Northern Friends For Development umbrella and funded by a micro-finance initiative. All the documents have been completed so as to begin this phase.

The first round of girls will graduate this coming May and will be set up in the containers thereafter. They will work together in the containers for a six-month period. The girls who prove to be strong in all aspects of the business management, will then move out of the container and given stretchers to run businesses of their own, and those who still need guidance and help will remain in the containers for as long as deemed necessary.


8.0 Supplies

Northern Friends for Development is pleased to have the following supplies:

                        -Computer and Printer

                        -Desk and Office Furniture

                        -Hair-dressing teaching materials

                        -Five sewing machines

                        -Weaving materials

                        -Chalk-board and chalk

                        -Small amount of chairs and no desks (insufficient)

                        -Approximately one textbook for each subject (insufficient)

                        -Small amounts of notebooks (distributed on an as needed basis)


9.0 Future Considerations

In the distant future we are hoping to eventually have a larger building in the Katarga Village, but for now, we are focusing on firmly establishing our girls in all phases of the program and ensuring that Northern Friends for Development has economic stability and longevity.



Education Plan 2007

1.0 Introduction

            Northern Friends for Development strives to maintain a basic level of education for all girls enrolled. It is important that N.F.D. does this, as it is proven that having even a minimal education can open many doors in life and help facilitate communication in the future. We try to implement formal education in the form of classroom learning as well as practical education in skill trades.  As many of the girls come from rural communities, and their upbringings are varied, some have no experience of formal education whatsoever. Therefore, we take this into consideration and offer our education at the most basic of levels.


2.0 Educational Period

             The formal educational period lasts for one year. Girls that are introduced into the program immediately enter this phase. They then spend the year learning the skill trades in the mornings and receiving formal education in the afternoons.


3.0 Levels

            In learning the skill trades, the girls choose individually which skill they would like to pursue.

In the formal education, there are two levels. The low level is for the girls who have no background in formal education and it is at the basic of levels. It is also taught entirely in the Dagbani language. The high level is for the girls who have completed primary school and a few of them have some years experience in Junior Secondary School. In this case, there are foreign Dutch volunteers who teach independently without a translator.


4.0 Subjects

 4.1 Skill Trades

             Upon arriving at N.F.D. the girls choose which skill they would like to learn. Currently the skills offered are as follows:

                        -batik tie and dye

                        -hair dressing


            Currently our sewing machines are with the girls who are out on attachment. We hope to have sewing be a skill trade taught during mornings in the future.

            Each of these other trades is taught every day in the mornings.

4.2 Formal Education

            Currently the following courses are offered:

                        -English (daily in the afternoons)

                        -Math (daily in the afternoons)

                        -Health Education (Fridays in the afternoon with a translator)

            The teaching occurs from 1:30 to 3:30pm from Monday to Friday.

            Currently, we are lucky to have computer education twice a week for high-level students on Mondays and Wednesdays.


5.0 Lesson Content

            Teachers are given complete creative freedom in creating the lessons. We encourage that they make them as interactive as possible and frequently take breaks to teach songs or games to keep interest levels high.


6.0 Teaching Personnel

            The teaching personnel are as follows:

                        -Paul Laari: A local volunteer who teaches level one formal education in Dagbani. He also works as a translator in the high level when needed.

                        -Femke: A foreign volunteer who teaches health education on Fridays, and math in the high-level formal education on Tuesdays.

                        -Linda: A foreign volunteer who teaches high-level formal education in English on Thursdays.

                        -Madam Abena: Teacher in the hairdressing education

                        -Madam Abiba: Teacher in the weaving education

            Please note: Both Femke and Linda are foreign volunteers, and thus, will only be with us for a designated period of time. Therefore, it will soon be necessary to arrange for more volunteers to join us at N.F.D. to help with the facilitation of our education plan.


7.0 Teaching Materials

             As Northern Friends for Development is a Non-Governmental Organization, we have very limited means in which to obtain materials. Thus, all materials mentioned here can be considered insufficient to currently meet our needs. The materials we are using are thus follows:

            -Health Book developed by Femke

            -2 Environmental Textbooks

            -1 Science Textbook

            -2 Health Books

            - Low Level Math Books

            - High Level Math Books

            - Some English Books

            - Some health pamphlets developed by Marieke- a prior volunteer

            -Any documents pertaining to lessons saved on the computer from September 2006 onwards

            -2 Blackboards and some chalk

            -One Classroom (the high level students learn outside in front of the complex beside the street)

            -A few chairs and no desks

            -Schoolmaterials purchased by Ben Staarink and Desiree Pleumeekers


8.0 Future Hopes and Considerations

            We have many hopes and ideas that we feel would make the teaching process easier. They are:

            1). We need more textbooks. Ideally, we would like to supply each girl with her own textbooks so that she can study at home.

            2). We need more classroom furniture. If each girl had a proper desk and chair, we believe it would add to her concentration level and help her to write properly.

            3). It is imperative that we keep getting foreign volunteers to help us with teaching. Paul is a local volunteer, who also has a full-time teaching job, so it is impossible for him to teach all levels of education. Also with an increase in foreign volunteers we can expand our subjects taught according to their specific areas of expertise.

            4). We want to encourage more high-level students to join us at N.F.D. When a girl already has some basic education, it shows that she has the motivation to attend classes and study hard. Currently, we have some trouble with our low-level students as they do not concentrate or want to attend classes.

            5). We must continue to pay our teachers in the skill trades on a monthly basis. This is imperative so that the teachers will stay with us. We need therefore a reliable source of income to pay these teachers.

            6). We wish to continue keeping educational records on the computer. Therefore, when we obtain new teachers, they can access our records and learn from what was taught in the past, and make improvements.

            7). We wish to encourage teachers to continue to make lessons as interactive as possible. Diagrams, physical objects, interactive activities and anything that can stimulate interest are essential.

            8). In the future, and perhaps distant future, we would like to have another classroom for our high-level students. Then they would not be distracted by noise from the street.

            9). We would like to purchase some more sewing machines so that they can be used both on attachment and during the teaching process.


9.0 Evaluation

            This plan will be evaluated on a yearly basis and our needs re-assessed.




The aim of the annual report 2007 is to give an overview of the facts of 2007. Not only financial issues will be mentioned, but also the events and an evaluation of 2007 and a budget for the year 2008. The annual report is written to give the sponsers/donors in the Netherlands an idea how their money is spent for NFD and also to inform them about the year 2007 and the plans/budget for 2008.

Introduction Ben and Dees.

Since September 2006 Ben and Dees are working full time as voltunteers for Northern Friends for Development (NFD). They will work on this project till August 2008. The organization sending out is Northern Ghana Volunteers (NorGhaVo).

Address: NorGhaVo, to Ben and Dees P.O. Box 447, Tamale N/R Ghana Phone Ben and Dees: 00233 24 6667653 E-mail Ben and Dees: Website: Donations to: Giro 9397346 to NorGhaVo Netherlands in Nijmegen; project Ben and Dees.

Northern Friends For Development.

Contactperson : Hawalatu Inusah Kumbumgu Road, area Filling point P.O. Box 472 Tamale N/R Phone: 024-4586332 E-mail: Website:

Goal NFD.

The goal of NFD is to prevent that young girls go to Kumasi and Accra to work their as Kayayoo-girl (head-portage); so to decrease the rural-urban migration. Prevention is better than cure! NFD creates possibilities for these girls in their own region (in the North of Ghana, here in Tamale), in a way that they get the possibility at the end to become independent in a financial way. NFD is a Non Governmental Organization (N.G.O.) and its running depends fully on donations.

Programme NFD.

Actually the NFD programme started in September 2005 and consists of three steps: - Step 1: Education (12 months): In the morning practical skills like sewing, weaving, hairdressing and batik tie & dye; in the afternoon math, English and health education. - Step 2: Attachment (8 months) - Step 3: Containers Kukuo market and finally own shop/stretcher/own business by micro-finance.

Hawalatu (Director) is working full time as a volunteer and teacher Paul half time as a volunteer too. From September 2006 till August 2008 Ben and Dees work full time as volunteers at the NFD project.

At the end of 2007 NFD counted - Step 1 : 13 girls( 3 weaving, 4 hairdressing, 6 sewing) - Step 2 : 6 girls ( 1 weaving, 5 hairdressing) - Step 3 : 7 girls ( 3 weaving, 4 sewing).

Totaly 26 girls were involved in NFD at the end of 2007.

Events 2007.

PARENTS-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION: During 2007 several times it was necessary that NFD organized some PTA's to discuss for example the lack of motivation of the girls. It seems that the parents are not really involved in the NFD process. NFD is free of charge for them, but the caretakers don't care at all!
FUNDRAISING: A lot of time was invested in fundraising. The results are written by receipts. We agreed that Hawa - after some instructions - started from July 2007 with fundraising activities. A special Christmas fundraising was organized in December 2007.
WORKSHOP BATIK TIE & DYE: On March 24 2007 a workshop Batik Tie & Dye was organized at Kumbungu Road. It was a success and if NFD will organize this activity for example two times a year, it will be good public relations for the project.
PLANS WRITTEN: During 2007 a lot of plans were written: Business plan, education plan, prevention plan, financial report, microfinance policy report, project description, annual report etc. BOARD MEETING: During 2007 two meetings were organized. It was really a pity that there was no feedback from the Board Members during 2007. Some members were just too busy, too old and/or their health was not well. At the end of 2007 the Board herself - due to our advice - decided to renew some members.
COURSE HAWA: In March 2007 Hawa started a management training at the Business College International at Bolga-road in Tamale. This education will last till May/June 2008. A few months ago the principal of the school was not satisfied at all. However......At the end of 2007 there is improvement and the results are above average.
GRADUATION: On May 26 the first 8 NFD girls were graduated. Not only for these girls ( 4 weaving, 4 sewing), but also for NFD it was a very important day. It was the first graduation in the young history of NFD!
CONTAINERS KUKUO MARKET: At Kukuo market three really beautiful containers were built for each department (sewing, weaving, hairdressing). These containers give the NFD girls the possibility to practice their learned practical skills, but also they get the possibility to prepare themselves for their own business/shop.On June 4, 7 girls (3 weaving, 4 sewing) started at Kukuo market. The intention was that the first girls should start their shop by micro-finance in January 2008. However....Due to the fact that they were unmotivated, unable and not credit-worthy, Ben and Dees decided as the managers of step 3 Kukuo market, to postpone the own shop till July 2008 . To enable the Kukuo market girls to travel daily to their place, we financed bikes for 7 girls by micro-finance. There was 20% own contribution (GHc 9) and 80% was given as a loan to be paid back when they started their shop and get their own income. Unfortunately it lasted several months before most of the parents paid this own contribution. The NFD shop from Kumbungu road was moved to Kukuo market.
ATTACHMENTS: On June 4 2007, 3 girls started at the attachment weaving of madam Juliet and 5 girls at the attachment hairdressing of madam Mariam. Their attachment period is from June 2007 till February 2008. Due to several reasons 2 girls stopped on weaving attachment. Because Madam Juliet was disappointed about the motivation of our NFD girls, she explained that our girls were not welcome anymore in the future. We agreed that Ben and Dees manage step 2 (attachments).
HOME LEAVE: During our homeleave from August 2 till September 12 we organized for family, friends and sponsors a successful NFD presentation in the Netherlands.
GROUP SEPTEMBER 2007: After a critical selection by a checklist done by teacher Paul a new group of 13 girls started in September 2007 in step1 (education) at Kumbungo Road. We decided that Hawa and Paul will manage all activities in step 1.
COOPERATION WITH HAWA: During these last months of 2007 cooperation with Hawa was (almost) a mission inpossible. Miscommunication, mismanagement, differences in culture, lack of Hawa's capacity? Ben and Dees were worried about NFD future and tried to arrange a financial manager for step 1 to give assistance to Hawa in this area and also to organize a micro -finance professional for step 3. NorGhaVo as organization sending out will make a Memorandum of Understanding. The aim is to arrange an agreement signed by all involved members to lay down all the rights and duties in a contract.

Evaluation of the year 2007.

In 2007 many important issues were realized for NFD. Ben and Dees were often disappointed due to the bad cooperation with Hawa. But also the girls at Kukuo market added a lot of stress; unmotivated but also unable to sew and weave properly. But being in Ghana also means "slow, slow and small, small". Sometimes it was difficult to find the balance between achieving results and realizing that due to the ghanaian way there was always a reason to have patience. Our slogan was: Try to transform frustrations into challenges!!!

Receipts and expenditures 2007.

Note that all amounts are mentioned in GHc! Exhange rate: 100 Euro = 130 GHc.


- received from donors in the Netherlands through NorgHavo     14.660
 - received cash from donors                                                      136
 - received own contribution bikes                                                45
---------- Receipts in 2007                                                        14.841



- taxitransport                                                         16
- schoolmaterials Kumbungu road                             85
- materials weaving /hairdressing Kumbungo road       90
- maintenance                                                         20
- salary teachers                                                    375
- cost transport Ben                                                680
- cost mobile Ben                                                     90
- schoolfees Hawa                                                  585
- Kukuo market containers                                     7050
- extra costs Kukuo market                                    2497
- fuel motor bike Paul plus rewards                           215
- attachment contribution                                         215
- graduation Kumbungo road                                     227
- pre-graduation hairdressing 2008                            140
- medical costs                                                         54
- bikes                                                                    360
- materials Kukuo market                                         500
- weaving machines Kukuo market                            706
- miscellaners                                                         329
------ Expenditures in 2007                                    14.234

Balance-sheet 2007.

Income     Expenditures  
1-1-2007 cash balance 2.900   expenditures 14.234
received income 14.234   31-12 cash money 1.830
      31-12 amount with NorGhavo 1.677
  17.741     17.741

What has still to be done (activities).

At the short term the aim of the NFD project in step 3 is that in 2008 13 girls go from Kukuo market to their own stretcher to start their own business by micro-finance. At the long term a lot has to be done to prevent that NFD will collapse when Ben and Dees leave the project in August 2008. Of course the follow-up has to be arranged, but also a financial manager (step 1) and a micro-finance professional (step 3) are very necessary. And last but not least Hawa has to spend a lot of energy to fundraising activities.

Budget 1-1-2008 till 1-7-2008: (in GHc)

Credit balance 1-1-2008:                                 3.507

Expected expenditures from 1-1-2008 till 1-7-2008:
- 4 weaving stretchers                                     2.000
- 4 sewing stretchers                                      1.200
- 5 hairdressing stretchers                                 750
- salary supervisors Kukuomarket                       300
- cost transport                                                 540
- cost units mobile                                              60
- materials weaving/sewing                                 150
- 6 bikes for transport girls to Kukuomarket          300
- unexpected expenditures                                 200

--------- total:                                                    5.500 


Note: In the Netherlands (NorGhaVo) there is an amount of 500 Euro (GHc 650) donated on January 3 in the year 2008.