Naam project
CAS project Madina, Accra, Ghana.
Korte beschrijving van
het project
CAS betekent: Catholic Action for Street Children.
Doel van het project
In contact komen met straatkinderen, zodat ze begrepen en begeleid worden. Trachten
de kinderen bewust te maken van de slechte leefomstandigheden die inherent zijn
aan het leven op straat.
Verder zorgen voor opvang van kinderen die het straatleven willen ontvluchten.
Huidige stand van zaken
Het CAS project bestaat sinds april 1993.
Er wordt samengewerkt met verschillende Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO's)
en diverse andere organisaties, met uiteindelijk als gezamenlijk einddoel de
straatkinderen op een goede en effectieve wijze te helpen.
Behoeften van het project
Het straatkinderenproject is een project waaraan een zeer lange termijn verbonden
is: Dit is inherent aan de problematiek.
Contactpersonen van het
Catholic Action for Street children (C.A.S.)
Brother Jos van Dinther
Peter Paul van Keijsteren (SMA)
P.O. Box 709
Madina, Accra
Res: Dr. Nanka Bruce Rd., Lartebiokorshie
Telephone office : (00233)(0)21 313266
Mobile : (00233)(0)27552739
CAS Catholic Action For
Streetchildren Madina, Accra, Ghana.
'Producing and marketing handicrafts at a Refuge for Street Children, to help
these children have a better future'.
CAS Mission
- To interact with street children so that they can be understood and supported;
- To assist those children who choose to get off the streets to maintain a stable
- To create general awareness about the plight of street children (0-18 year
old), who sleep rough and work in the streets of Accra, Tema and other towns
in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.
Catholic Action for Street Children (CAS), is a Ghanaian Non-Governmental Organisation
that helps street children who live in the streets of Accra, the capital city
of Ghana and in other towns in the Greater Accra Region. CAS' construction was
officially approved in 1993. CAS estimates that approximately 20.000 children
are living in the streets of Accra. Many of these children are in great need
of help.
CAS Goals
To protect and improve the rights and lives of street children. The short-term
goal is to help the street children by returning their dignity to develop into
respectful and respected citizens of society. The long-term goal is to educate
the children in such a manner that they can find suitable jobs and build up
their future lives.
Activities and work of
Street children follow several stages at CAS before leaving the streets:
- Street children meet field workers in the street and they visit mini refuges
(meeting points in town);
- The children visit the House of Refuge. They take part in literacy and demonstration-classes;
- They are accommodated at Hopeland Training Center and take part in all activities
at the centre such as education, farming and various trades;
- The children go back to school or learn trades at workshops. CAS sponsors
them for three years;
- The children are assisted in finding a job or setting up their own business
During these stages the
children pass through different departments:
- Fieldwork department;
- House of Refuge department;
- Education department;
- Demonstration department;
- Hopeland Training Center department;
- Sponsorship department
Demonstration department
At the House of Refuge many trades are shown (demonstrated): weaving, sewing,
tie and dye, ceramics, woodcarving and catering. The children have also opportunities
to draw, colour and paint. At Hopeland Training Center there are workshops for
candle making and ceramics where children participate.
- To give the children the chance to see and begin to try out several trades.
- It introduces the children to various trades, which could be beneficial for
their future and eventually encourages those children to go to schools or workshops
to be trained.
CAS' marketing activities
The products which the street children make with their instructors are sold
at a handicraft shop at the House of Refuge. Products are also sold at bazaars
where CAS participates. The profits are used to maintain and improve the demonstration
CAS also exhibits the products to show what street children are able to make
and to create awareness about the plight these children have to go through.
Furthermore CAS tries to find a market both locally and internationally. In
this way CAS has been able to establish some good contacts with Fair Trade organizations
in Europe.
Future Plan
To generate more income for the department and to create more jobs for some
of the former street children, it is necessary to work more efficiently and
to produce more products for the market. It is very important though, that the
department keeps a strict eye on the quality of the products and not only on
the quantity.
This also means that in future more sales points and customers need to be found
and more marketing will be done. In case you are interested in visiting or supporting
the project or in placing an order for some of the handicrafts, do not hesitate
to contact CAS for information. Any help or support is very much welcome.
For Financial support, our
bankers are:
- Ghana
Barclays Bank, High Street, Accra
Dollar: A/C No. CAS 1280941
Cedi: A/C No. CAS 1914639
- Holland
ING Bank Maastricht, Holland
No. 679411402
For CAS Ghana
t.a.v. Stichting Congregatie Brothers (FIC)
Brusselsestraat 38
6211 PE Maastricht
- United Kingdom
Barclays Bank
P.O. Box 887
19, Fleet Street
London EC4P 4DR
For CAS, Street Child Africa
Sterling A/C No. 80863408