Naam project
Holy Ghost Academy Amaokpala, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Korte beschrijving van
het project
De Holy Ghost Academy Amaokpala is een middelbare school. De leerlingen verblijven
er intern. In oktober 2004 beschikte de school over 2 niveaus . Het is de bedoeling
dat dit wordt uitgebreid tot 6 zijnde het normale aantal voor een middelbare
school. De school bevindt zich dus nog in de opstartfase.
Doel van het project
Het is de bedoeling dat de school wordt uitgebreid tot de reguliere 6 klassen
van een middelbare school en dat de capaciteit dan 700 leerlingen zal zijn.
JSS: Junior Secondary School 1-2-3 (Onderbouw) en SSS: Senior Secondary School
1-2-3 (Bovenbouw).
Huidige stand van zaken
Er is geen middelbare school in het bush-dorp Amaokpala.
De plaatselijke bevolking is zich ervan bewust dat goed (vervolg) onderwijs
erg belangrijk is.
De school bevindt zich nog in de opstartfase.
Behoeften van het project
Noodzakelijk zijn de volgende gebouwen: slaapgelegenheid voor de (intern verblijvende)
leerlingen; klaslokaal cq administratieve ruimte alsmede een kapel. Voor de
drinkwatervoorziening is een waterput noodzakelijk.
Een generator voor de leerlingen is nodig, aangezien de landelijke leverancier
van de elektriciteit onvoldoende capaciteit heeft om het normale voltage te
leveren. De huidige generator levert te weinig energie en voldoet dus niet.
Inmiddels is er grond om te bouwen en de 'community' heeft toegezegd actief
mee te helpen bij de bouw.
Contactpersoon van het
Holy Ghost Academy Amaokpala
Rev. Fr. John Anyaegbunam CSSp
P.O. Box 65 Oko
Orumba North L.G.A.
Anambra State, Nigeria.
Indien U een donatie wilt geven ten behoeve van dit project, dan kunt U een
bedrag overmaken op rekeningnummer van de ABN-AMRO te Venlo ten
name van B.W.G. Staarink en/of M.D.C.L. Pleumeekers te Venlo, zulks onder vermelding
van de naam van het project: Holy Ghost Academy Amaokpala, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Dear Rev. Father/ Sir/
The Holy Ghost Congregation, Province of Nigeria established a Boys' Secondary
College at Amaokpala, in Orumba North L.G.A of Anambra of Nigeria called Holy
Ghost Academy, Amaokpala. The Academy is proposed to have a population of about
700 students at its full capacity. All the students live in the dormitory. The
college is one of the ways in which the Holy Ghost Fathers and Brothers in Nigeria
carry out grass-root evangelization of the youth.
The Holy Ghost Congregation, province of Nigeria has appointed some qualified
personnel to be responsible for the construction and the development of the
They are Rev Fr. John Anyaegbunam C.S.Sp. (one of the educationalist of the
Province and the Principal of the college) and Arch Fr Peter Agbonome C.S.Sp.
(an architect in charge of the construction work). These personnel together
with the education committee of the Congregation work closely with the community
of Amaokpala and the Government of Anambra state.
The catholic Bishop of Awka diocese, Rt Rev. Dr S.A.Okafor is supportive of
the college and knows about the religious relevance of the school in his diocese.
Amaokpala in Orumba North of Anambra State is located in the Eastern part of
Nigeria. She has a population of about 50,000(fifty thousand) people. Their
major occupation are low scale farming, fishing and excavation of sharp sand
from streams.
The people are very hardworking and tries in many respects to be self-supporting.
However, the social and economic realities they experience militate against
their efforts. Due to the level of poverty in the community, they do not have
social amenities. Prior to the establishment of this our College, there is no
Secondary School at Amaokpala community. Thus most people do not have formal
education. Christianity has not taken root in the community; there exist some
pagan practices that are operative to children and women. Only proper religious
education can eradicate these problems.
The few leaders of thought in the community are very much interested in the
education of the youths and thus invited us: Holy Ghost Fathers and Brothers
in Nigeria to establish a college in their community. They offered a piece of
land of about 3.25 hectares free.
In the 19th century, the early missionaries landed in the eastern part of the
Nigeria for the spread of the Good News. They improved the standard of living
of our people through the introduction of formal education. They built schools
and hospitals. Academic excellence and moral discipline characterized their
schools. Later Bishop Shanahan among other missionaries took education very
seriously and trekked to the nook and cranny of the Eastern Nigeria. Most schools
that exist today in Nigeria are the outcome of their hard work.
The glorious period in which quality education flourished is gradually dying
out. Education in most schools in the country lack discipline and morals. Our
youths take to trade in search of material wealth with little or no education.
Many now tend no longer to measure successes in terms of good values and quality
of life but rather in material possession, no matter the source. We are therefore
beginning to witness the gradual collapse of the great monument left for us
by the early missionaries.
In the light of these, the Holy Ghost Fathers and Brothers in Nigeria took up
this great challenge to continue the grass-root evangelizations and humanitarian
services in the remotest part of country.
Thus, Holy Ghost Academy Amaokpala is geared towards achieving academic excellence
and inculcating moral discipline among the youths of our society. The college
is out to aid in the formation of youths, of the socially and economically disadvantaged
area with the view of making them better citizens in future. Thus, in the course
of their learning they will acquire real Christian virtues and values that will
enable them to take their rightful positions in the country.
It will also enable them to gain admission in the tertiary institution as well
as to maintain their Christian faith so as to stand firm against the rising
Moslem influence in the country.
The college is also one of the ways in which the Congregation of the Holy Ghost
wishes to contribute in the youth apostolate of our nation in the footsteps
of our predecessors who brought Good News to this part of Nigeria.
The immediate needs of the college
a) Hostel block and classroom/ administrative block.
The college is still an infant school that is growing. We do not have enough
Hostels and classroom block to meet up with the fast growing population. Many
people in the community and environs need the School but no accommodation to
admit more students. Our intakes are usually very low.
The attached pictures show a hostel block under construction that will accommodate
about 300 students. We therefore appeal for fund for its completion.
b) Borehole for water supply
Presently, we buy water from outside. This is very expensive and not very effective
for the smooth running of the college. The students cue-up for a along time
waiting for their turn to fetch water from the surface tanks, hence making them
a times to be late to school activities.
More so, this is not hygienic enough for us. Thus there is the necessity to
sink a deep borehole with reservoir so as to alleviate water problems in the
c) A Generating Set.
The source of light in the community is a single phase light from NEPA (National
Electrical Power Authority) that is over loaded, thus it produces very low voltage.
The students use kerosene lamps for their studies most of the time. This is
not good for their health and may have adverse effect such as eye problems.
At present we make use of small generator of about 7.5KVA. This very old, and
gets bad always. The spear parts are costly and scarce. Thus, the need to buy
a 100 KVA generating set is immediate.
A Big Chapel for Students
Presently we use our uncompleted multipurpose Hall for liturgical activities.
This hall serves as their refectory, social activities hall, and exam hall as
well as for the celebration of the Eucharist. There is need for a place of worship
for the students.
Amount in Naira
Amount in Euros
of students hostel
for water supply
100KVA Generating set
8, 275.86
The exchange rate is calculated
at N145 per Euro.
We have also enclosed some pictures (Photos) of the college as well as the site
plan and architectural designs of the buildings of the college.
Local contributions.
a) We are ready to mobilize the community to contribute the unskilled
aspects of the labour.
b) We are organizing a fund raising activities in the college whereby
people of good will and Government officials are invited to give their help.
On Feb 28th 2004 we raised about N 2.5m during our Inaugural ceremony. We organize
Annual Patron Feast / Parents day of the college as an avenue to raise
fund every last Saturday of February. We are still negotiating with the government
of Anambra State for a transformer to step-up the power supply.
Here is the contact address of my Provincial Superior and our Bishop.
Very Rev Fr Augustine Onyeneke C.S.SP
Provincial Superior,
Holy Ghost Congregation, Province of Nigeria
P.O. 1603, Onitsha
Anambra State, Nigeria,
Rt. Rev Dr. S.A.Okafor.
Catholic Bishop of Awka Diocese
Diocesan Catholic Secretariat,
P.M. B 5021, Awka,
Anambra State
Rev Fr Reginald Anyaeze c.s.sp Bruynstraat 18
5622 KJ Eindhoven
Thanks very much in anticipation
of your favorable response. We pray that God reward and bless you abundantly
we will always keep in touch with you on the progress of activities in the college.
Yours in faithfully,
Rev. Fr. John Anyaegbunam
(Principal, for and on behalf of the
Staff and students of Holy Ghost Academy, Amaokpala).
N/B: Contact Address:
The Principal,
Rev. Fr. John Anyaegbunam C.S.Sp.
Holy Ghost Academy, Amaokpala.
P.O. Box. 65, OKO.
Anambra state, NIGERIA.
Phone: + 234 08037083979