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Naam project
Amaokpala Community Amaokpala, Anambra State, Nigeria.

Korte beschrijving van het project
De gemeenschap van Amaokpala probeert verbetering te brengen in hun leef - woon -en werk omstandigheden.

Doel van het project
De leef - woon -en werkomstandigheden op een hoger peil brengen.

Huidige stand van zaken
Mede gelet op de situering van de gemeenschap van Amaokpala (bush) is er sprake van een achterstandssituatie op diverse gebieden.
Behoeften van het project
Schoolgebouwen, inclusief een bibliotheek en een laboratorium met apparaten voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek, computers, alsmede een bus en auto vanwege de situering in de bush. Ten behoeve van het Health Centre en Health Posts een motorfiets, medicijnen en een medische uitrusting.

Contactpersonen van het project
Amaokpala Development Union
Orumba Nortyh Local Government
Elder I.O. Offor, President-General /
A.P.C. Nwafor, Secretary-General
Anambra state, Nigeria

Indien U een donatie wilt geven ten behoeve van dit project, dan kunt U een bedrag overmaken op rekeningnummer van de ABN-AMRO te Venlo ten name van
B.W.G. Staarink en/of M.D.C.L. Pleumeekers te Venlo, zulks onder vermelding van de naam van het project: Amaokpala Community te Amaokpala, Anambra State, Nigeria.

Amaokpala Development Union Orumba Nortyh Local Government Anambra State, Nigeria.
Welcome address presented by Amaokpala community on the occasion of visit by Ben and partner.
You are very welcome to Amaokpala, the land of peace. Your visit to Amaokpala as we believe is the handwork of God and may His blessing continue to be your portion.
The mere fact that you people remember this area of the third world country, is an eloquent testimony to your agape love to humanity.
Keep it up, as Almighty God will continue to reward you for the sacrifice. May we use this opportunity to appeal for your assistance to the Holy Ghost Academy and our Community in general. The areas of our request include vehicles especially busses and cars for students and staff of the school. As you can see that transportation from the school to the main road is always difficult.

We equally need your assistance in the erection of buildings in order to enable more intakes. We also solicit your help in procuring of laboratory, science apparatus and computers for the school.
Our community, Amaokpala have been trying our best but for lack of funds. As we know that an institution of this status require everybody's effort as most of the secondary schools around are nothing more than a glorified primary school. We know what missionary school is and the type of training they are giving our young ones. We believe that what the school authorities need most is the fund to procure the above mentioned needs.

Similarly, the school needs a well equipped library for modern schooling. Our reasons for all these requests is, we believe that a properly trained/educated child is an asset to the society whilst improperly trained child is a potential criminal.

Finally, we equally request you to help us towards procuring drugs, medical equipment and motorcycles for our Health Centre and Health Posts.
Sir, we are soliciting that you come to our succour on the issues enumerated above. Our knees are on the ground with prayers to Almighty God to shower His blessings upon you and the body you represent.
Remain blessed.
On behalf of Amaokpala Community, we wish you safe journey.

Yours faithfully,

Elder I.O. Offor

A.P.C. Nwafor